站長推薦-Introduction to Econometrics (Original) 4/e

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如果您還想深入了解Introduction to Econometrics (Original) 4/e
The word "econometrics" literally means "measurement in economics." A revision of the landmark text, Introduction to Econometrics offers, in its new fourth edition, a fresh accessible, and well-written introduction to the subject. With a rigorous pedagogical framework, which sets it apart from comparable texts, the book also includes such Web-based supplements as an instructor's manual and data sets.
* Ch5 & 6 reflect the latest professional practice in dealing with these common violations of the basic regression model.
* Ch10 includes extensive discussion on diagnostic checking in linear models, various nested and non-nested model selection procedures, specification testing , data transformations and tests for non-normality.
* Ch12, 13, 14 cover an introduction to time-series analysis