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The chapters in Needles/Powers/Crosson have been organized into the Three Section Approach, which helps students more easily digest the content. The first section is Concepts and focuses on the overarching accounting concepts that require consistent reiteration throughout the course. With a clear understanding of the concepts, students are then ready to experience the second section--Accounting Applications. Here students practice the application of accounting procedures with features like "Apply It" and a new transaction analysis model. Finally, students utilize section three, Business Applications. This section illustrates how the concepts and procedures are used to make business decisions. Real company examples are used throughout the chapter to show students the relevance of the material.
New to this edition
1.New Transaction Analysis Model: Maintaining a solid foundation in double-entry accounting, there are more in-text journal entries and T-accounts throughout the financial accounting chapters. In Chapter 2 of Business Transactions, the relationship of transaction analysis to the accounting cycle has been clarified. In Chapter 6 on Merchandising Accounting, transaction illustrations exist for all transactions mentioned in the chapter. The authors have reduced excessive detail, shortened headings, simplified explanations, and increased readability.
2.New Content: Partnerships, Special Journals, and T-Accounts have returned to the 11th edition! A completely new, streamlined textbook design emphasizes the pedagogy. T-accounts and journals have assigned colors to help new accounting students identify them easily.
3.Revised IFRS Coverage: International Financial Reporting Standards and fair value have been integrated throughout the book where accounting standards have changed and also in the Business Focus features where applicable. All current events, statistics, and tables have been updated for the latest data.
4.New and Revised End of Chapter Assignments have been carefully scrutinized for direct relevancy to the learning objectives in the chapters. Names and numbers on all Short Exercises, Exercises, and Problems have been changed except those used on videos. Alternate and main problems have been reversed. Most importantly, alternative problems have been expanded in chapter 1-17 so that there are ample problems for any school.
Belverd E. Needles
現職:DePaul University
Marian Powers
現職:Northwestern University
Susan V. Crosson
現職:Emory University