Word by Word Basic 2/e LessonPlanner

站長推薦-Word by Word Basic 2/e LessonPlanner

Word by Word Basic 2/e LessonPlanner網友評鑑4顆星

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  • Word by Word Basic 2/e LessonPlanner

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      Lesson Planner forms enable teachers to plan and time instruction at two different levels: Low-Beginning/Literacy and Beginning.

      These forms offer a convenient framework for step-by-step planning of classroom instruction, including the key lesson stages of warm-up, introduction, presentation, practice, evaluation, extension, and application. Instructors can complete a customized form for each lesson, writing in a particular lesson's page numbers, activities, timing suggestions, and companion materials. This is not only a convenient lesson-planning tool but also an ideal way to prepare a complete lesson plan for a substitute teacher, a teaching assistant or a co-teacher. While timing suggestions are offered for the different lesson activities, teachers are encouraged to customize these suggestions to meet the particular needs and abilities of their students.



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