站長推薦-Sentence Skills, 8/e International Edition
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John Langan's best-selling sentence-level worktext returns in a new edition to help students master the essential grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and usage skills they need for clear, college-level writing.
This book includes:
‧Coverage of basic writing skills is exceptionally thorough.
‧The book has a clear and flexible format.
‧Opening chapters deal with the writer's attitude, writing as a process, and the importance of specific details in writing.
‧Software to help students improve their writing the only way they can-by writing.
‧More than 200 animated narrator guided lessons based on real life scenarios.
‧Powerful diagnostic tools to generate individualized learning plans to address student's editing skills that need improvements.
‧Learn and View Connect Writing Demo at www.mcgraw-hillconnect.com/demoeriting/